christ for sierra leone logoBringing Real Hope, Christ to Sierra Leone


Former Clear Lake Christian Church pastor, Scott Wilson and wife, Robin served as missionaries in Sierra Leone.  After a mission trip to Sierra Leone many years ago, the couple had the people of Sierra Leone on their hearts ever since.  Hearing the call, the couple headed to this west African country the summer of 2015 and served for over 2 years.  Today, Scott & Robin are stateside, but their dedicated team of pastors remains in Sierra Leone.  This group ministers in over 100 villages….many remote and only accessible by foot or motorcycle.

With a passion for evangelizing and training Christians, Pastor Scott began church planting in the villages surrounding Bo, Sierra Leone.  Some of the villages had already a small Christian congregation, but no training or encouraging Word.  Some outlying villages have never heard the Word and are very remote with no roads for vehicles.  Pastor Scott focused on leading  people to Jesus and baptizing them in His name.  The ministry team trains the people in the Bible and leads several Bible studies each week.  Regularly, seminars are held to train up church leaders.  Study Bibles have been eagerly received and cherished by the new and growing Christians.

TODAY, a group of several native, Christian men in Sierra Leone lead the effort.  Pastor Scott & Robin Wilson manage the organization stateside, along with administration by Clear Lake Christian Church.  

Word of Christ for Sierra Leone spreads to neighboring villages and it is not uncommon for people from remote villages to travel to hear the message brought by Christ for Sierra Leone.  Traveling to the villages can be difficult — muddy roads or just a beaten down path….some are a several hour walk in by foot alone.

If a Christian church is already in place, partnering for training and encouragement is established. If there are no Christians in the village, the Gospel is shared at day-long “seminars” and over time, a new church is planted. Praise God for his abundant blessing. To date, over 100 villages have sought out Christ for Sierra Leone! Along with the growth in believers, the growth of the Christ for Sierra Leone team also occurred.


The Wilson’s Today: In 2017, Robin was diagnosed with breast cancer while stateside for a short visit. Although Robin successfully completed her treatments, today the couple resides in Rocklin, California as doctors have not released Robin to travel to Sierra Leone. Healthcare and sanitary conditions are minimal in Sierra Leone and travel for her is not advised at this time. The couple still manages and leads the ministry from the United States.

The Wilson’s History: Scott Wilson graduated from the Dallas Theological Seminary and served as Pastor at Clear Lake Clear Lake Christian Church from 2007 – 2015. Robin was an office manager within a dental practice before becoming a full-time pastor’s wife and Biblical counselor. Following a short-term missions trip to Sierra Leone, the couple began to feel the call to Sierra Leone and responded in 2015.

Pray the hearts of the people will be open and they will know Christ and live in His love and power.

Studying God’s Word

We invite you to prayerfully consider become our partners in this exciting ministry—through prayer, financial support, communication, and opportunities to join our team. We look forward to hearing from you, seeing you, and sharing life’s experiences of God’s goodness and power.



Sierra Leone Quick Facts

Sierra Leone is a mix of religions:
70% Muslim
28% Christian
2% Animist, Hindu, other
Most Christian Villages are in the cities and nearby villages. There is little exposure to the Gospel in rural areas.
Thousands have never heard the Gospel…
All Correspondence and finances are graciously handled by
Clear Lake Christian Church.
Tax deductible donations to:  
Christ for Sierra Leone
c/o Clear Lake Christian Church
302 HWY 18 W
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Thank you for helping bring hope!
Taking the tranAfrica mapsforming
power of Christ to the 
people of Sierra Leone
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